House Competitions are run throughout the school at intervals during the school year. These competitions can take many forms – art, music, sports, handwriting, creative writing, photography etc.
Points can be won for your house when you participate in these competitions.
Our next competition is for artwork for the Christmas Carol Service booklets. This competition is for 2nd-6th Classes. Keep an eye out here for pictures of the winners which will be put up as soon as the competition is done.
We also have a Tráth na gCeist on Thursday, 15th December, 2022 for 2nd-6th Class. Teams will be split by house colour and the quiz will be run by the Bratach Gael committee.
Tráth na gCeist Nollag 2022
Bhí tráth na gceist again sa halla ar Dé Deardaoin le rang a 2 go dtí rang a 6. Bhí na daltaí i ngrúpaí dathanna tithe (house colours). Bhí timpeall 30 foireann againn. Bhí 5 babhta again le ceisteanna fíor nó bréagach, spórt, scoil agus Nollag. Bhí an craic agus spraoi againn!
We had an Irish quiz in the hall on Thursday 15th December with 2nd class to 6th class. The children were in groups according to their house colours. We had around 30 teams. We had 5 rounds of true or false, sport, school and Christmas questions. We had lots of fun!
1ú áit-Nollaig
2ú áit-Orange E
3ú áit-