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Special Educational Needs

Special Education Provision in Kilternan


The aim of Special Needs Education provision within the school is to address any difficulties experienced by individual children in accessing the curriculum. The department of education has a new model of provision where all special education needs either 'high' or 'low' incidence are catered for from a single allocation. We are pioneers in this respect as we never made artificial distinctions between 'Learning Support' and 'Resource' provision, with children being supported as we saw their need.  We have an early intervention policy resulting in a lot of our hours being used to support children in the junior end of the school. Special Education is led by teachers in the SET Special Education Team and a great deal of differentiated education happens in the classrooms too.  Some children are supported in school by SNAs: Special Needs Assistants.

In 2023 we opened our first Autism Classroom with Ms Leigh Morton as the teacher. Our second classroom with open in September 2024 with Ms Arlene Brislane teaching.


Several  separate organisations support us in assessment and allocation of places :The National Psychological Service (NEPS) and the Special Educational Needs Officer (SENO).  We also liaise with the HSE Early Intervention Team, with speciaist organisations such as Down Syndrome Centre, Carmona Services, the Marino Clinic, Lucena Clinic, the visiting teacher for the Deaf service,  and other care givers. 
The NEPS psychologist advises by phone and will visit the school on an ad hoc basis. She can conduct Educational Psychological Assessments but more frequently will give advice and guidance for teachers of children with particular needs. The SENO will visit to assess children's need for an SNA (Special Needs Assistant) At present we have nine special needs assistants: Sandra Banks, Fiona Kelly, Gaye O'Brien, Sheelagh Parker, Mary Bradley and Helen Mahon Fisher, Edwina Allman, Sandra McQueston and Sonya McConnon. 


Strong links are fostered between the SET teachers and class teachers, with whom we liaise frequently. Support is delivered in several ways: team teaching, in-class support, withdrawal of small groups/ individuals. Work is differentiated to cater for the individual needs of pupils.
At present we have four full time Resource/Learning Support teachers, ,  Mrs Tanya Riordan, Mrs Naomi O'Kane, Ms Ruby Boyce and Ms Ruth Sullivan and we have Ms Lynnette Maguire for 4 days a week Monday to Thursday. 
