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ICT in Our School


At Kilternan Church of Ireland National School we strive to provide ICT equipment that furthers the teaching and learning of our pupils in this digital age.  

ICT is used in all the classrooms throughout the school.  

As there is not a designated time for the use of ICT in teaching and learning teachers integrate its' use in curricular subjects e.g. SESE. 

Much effort has been made over the years to progress the school.  

Currently in the school: 

  • we have two trolleys with 30 Chromebooks in each, as well as a wireless photocopier/printer to enable the pupils to print their work. 
  • we have interactive panels in all classrooms. 
  • each Class and SET teacher has an iPad 
  • we have a bank of 6 pupil iPads. 
  • every teacher has a laptop for planning and teaching. 
  • our school has a website

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    Kilternan Church of Ireland National School. Applications for admissions for the academic year 2023/24 are now closed and forms have been taken down.

  • the school now has fibre broadband 
  • most parents receive their notes and letters via e-mail 
  • we have an online school database, Aladdin. 
  • we use Microsoft 365 as our school cloud server which pupils and teachers use. 
  • We have a Digital Learning Team. This is made up of volunteer staff and co-ordinated by the ICT co-ordinater.   A HUGE thank you to everyone who has supported us with our ever evolving e-learning vision, and keep checking in here for new developments. T. Riordan (ICT co-ordinator)