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Student Council January 2016

Two members of last term's Student Council, Oisín and Seán,  have remained on the committee. This is to ensure a smooth transition for the new committee members.

This term's committee is as follows:

Oisín (6th class) - Chairperson and Rep for 6th class
Seán (6th class) - Secretary and Rep for Junior Infants

Jamie (6th class) - Rep for Senior Infants
Brooke (5th Class) - Rep for 1st Class

Daniel (5th class) -  Rep for 5th class
Harry and Alby (4th class) - Reps for 4th Class
Jack M and Andrew (3rd class) - Reps for 3rd class
Tara and Luc (2nd class) - Reps for 2nd class


Pictures of your class reps are in the corridor. Your rep will visit your class on a regular basis. If you have any ideas for the student council, pass them on to your rep who will bring them to the next meeting. There is also a notebook in your classroom in which you can write ideas. 



Mrs. Brislane and Mr. Byrne will continue to work with the Student Council this year.
