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Each policy has been drawn up by school staff and then brought to the school's Board of Management for ratification. Once ratified, the policy is signed and dated by the Chairperson and Principal. Signed copies of each policy are available from the Principal on request. In order to access links within policies, place cursor over link, press CTRL and click.


The date beside each policy marks the year the policy was written. Most policies are reviewed every five years, unless legislation or practice dictates otherwise. Some school policies are reviewed on an annual basis.

Acceptable Use Policy 2022/23 (Pupil Based)

Acceptable Use Policy 2022/23 (Staff Based)


Parents/Guardians please note that admission forms for our mainstream and ASD class  for the school year 2024/25 will be accepted from October 2nd 2023  - October 27th 2023 (2:10pm). Applications will not be accepted outside this time period. Offers of places will be posted on Wednesday, November 15th 2023 and confirmation of acceptance must be made by Friday, December 1st 2023 at 2:10pm.

Admissions Policy (December 2022)

Admissions Notice for 2024/25 school year

Adult Anti-Bullying to include Sexual Harassment June 2021

Anti Bullying Guidelines June 2022

Checklist and notification regarding Board of Management's annual review of the anti-bullying policy

Assessment Policy 2018

Attendance Policy 2022

Career Break Policy 2020

Code of Behaviour June 2021

Communication Policy to include Complaints Procedure 2019

Critical Incident Policy April 2024

Equal Opportunity and Gender Equity January 2022

Fire Drill and Evacuation Policy March 2023

Green School Policy May 2022

Health and Safety Statement March 2023

Homework Policy 2023

Induction of Newly Qualified Teaching Staff (2019)

Induction of Qualified Teaching Staff 2020

In School Management 2019

Management of SNAs 2021

Medical Policy March 2023

Parental Involvement 2021

Procedures and Practices 2021

School Accident and Injury Policy February 2023

Special Education Teaching (SET) Policy 2021

Staff Development 2022/23

Staff Mentoring and Support Policy 2023

Student Council Policy May 2022
