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Summer Term is here! Lots going on in KCOINS.

We have been so busy here since we returned to school at Easter and are really gearing up for the summer term. First Class had a visit from RTÉ and were interviewed for the News2Day programme. They have been participating in a pilot scheme examining the benefits of sitting on yoga balls instead of their chairs. We were really proud of how well they spoke on national television! 

At the other end of the school, 6th class were also recorded. Our diocese usually has an church service in October to mark the beginning of a new school year for all the 6th class students in our schools. Due to Covid restrictions this service never went ahead this year, so the Archbishop asked Nigel from Taney, to compile a recorded service. 6th class learned 3 songs and were recorded singing as part of this service. We're really looking forward to watching the service soon. 

All classes will be going on Covid-friendly school tours next month and the excitement is certainly bubbling around here! 
